How Do I Feed Raw?


It is most helpful to have the support of other raw feeders. That way, if questions or problems crop up, you have people who can share their knowledge and experience. The yahoo group RawFeeding has thousands of members who can provide almost instant answers to any questions about feeding raw to carnivores. To join this list, click on the link below.  
Recommended Links: Detailed cat-specific information Lots of pictures, rawfeeding recipes, and info A wealth of information  
For Spanish speakers: regresando a lo básico: la comidad cruda es mejor!  
Recommended email lists:    
Click here to join rawfeeding
Click to join rawfeeding
This group has over 15,000 members. Many of them have been rawfeeding their carnivorous charges for many many years. This is a high-volume list that stays on-topic thanks to the terrific moderation team.  
The same owner and moderation team as "the big list," but devoted to the special challenges of raw feeding cats.